Properly Dispose of Medical Waste in Macon County, IL
Unwanted & Expired Medicine
Unwanted and expired medicines may be deposited in one of the secure, drop-off boxes serviced by local law enforcement, including the Decatur Police Department, the Macon County Sheriff’s Office, the Maroa Police Department. The retailer Walgreens also offers a drop-off box at one Decatur, Illinois store.
Argenta Village Hall
330 N. Warren St., Argenta, Illinois
A collection box is inside the lobby & is accessible during regular business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Macon County Sheriff’s Office services this location.
Decatur Police Department
707 W. South Side Dr., Decatur, Illinois
A collection box is inside the lobby near the main entrance & is accessible 24 hours/every day.
Macon County Law Enforcement Center
333 S. Franklin St., Decatur, Illinois
A collection box is inside the lobby to the right of the entrance to the Sheriff’s Office & is accessible 24 hours/every day.
Maroa City Hall
120 S. Locust St. (old grade school), Maroa, Illinois
A collection box is in the lobby & is accessible during regular business hours from 9 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Maroa Police Department services this location.
1311 N. Illinois Route 48, Decatur, Illinois
A collection box is in the pharmacy department. The store is open 24 hours/day.
Medicines should be kept in their original containers with the name of the medicine clearly labeled, although individuals may choose to mark out their personal information.

Items accepted in the collection boxes include prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements as well as pet medications. All of the collection locations will take pills, tablets, lozenges, capsules, and patches. Additionally, liquids, creams, ointments, and syrups are accepted in the collection boxes at Argenta Village Hall, Macon County Sheriff’s Office, and Maroa City Hall. Sharps, such as needles and lancets, are not accepted. Nor are inhalers, aerosols, thermometers, medical waste, institutional waste or commercial waste.
Questions regarding the collection programs for unwanted medicine may be directed to Macon County Environmental Management at 217-425-4505 or any of the participating law enforcement agencies.
Personal sharps such as hypodermic needles, lancets, and razor blades, are not accepted in the collection programs for unwanted medicines or by local recycling programs. Sharps may be placed in the household trash once a few precautions are followed. Used sharps should be inserted in a sturdy plastic container, such as an empty laundry detergent bottle, with a tight lid taped in place. The container should then be marked “Do Not Recycle” and placed in the trash.